to be our Bonsai Patron/Sponsor

For all those visiting this website who wish to significantly further WBFF’s noble mission of bringing peace and goodwill to the peoples of the world through the art of bonsai and penjing, Chairman Kim Sae Won invites you to consider becoming a WBFF Sponsor / Patron. WBFF’s mission is boundless but its funds are limited.
Sponsors are appointed by the Chairman and become part of WBFF’s trusted advisors in satisfying WBFF's objectives of promoting the art of bonsai and penjing throughout the nine Regions of the world. WBFF should have Sponsors from each Region listed on this website. Their advice will be essential in doing WBFF’s work in their Region and beyond.
As provided in the WBFF Bylaws, in appointing Sponsors the Chairman shall give special consideration to those who donate at least US$5,000 to WBFF. The WBFF Board of Directors has approved the following categories of Sponsors:
Bronze Sponsors: US$5,000
Silver Sponsors: US$10,000
Gold Sponsors: US$20,000
Platinum Sponsors: US$30,000
Diamond Sponsors: US$50,000
WBFF, a nonprofit organization with a worldwide presence, holds its Sponsors in the highest esteem and will give them every possible courtesy.
Please email Chairman Kim Sae Won at ilovebonsai@naver.com if you would like to become a WBFF Sponsor.
Sponsors wishing to make a donation should contact the WBFF Treasurer - wbff@ardath.com.au - who can provide the necessary bank details to make a deposit."


be our sponsors / Patron
for a better Bonsai World Tomorrow